Thursday, December 11, 2014

Essay - Terracotta Soldier Doll Project by Aaron

Terracotta Soldier Doll Project

-- Aaron

Descriptive Paragraph
    Today, I’m going to talk about my Terracotta Soldier doll.
    The world famous terracotta soldiers are a form of funerary art buried with the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, in 210 BCE. He hoped his Terracotta Army would protect his body, and fight for him in his afterlife. The Terracotta Army is considered as one of the symbols of China, as well as the Great Wall.

    The army has thousands of soldiers and horses. All the warriors are different in some way. There are 3 different ranks in the army, which are distinguished by their different clothes. Generals, or high-ranking officers, wore peacock feather hats. While middle-ranking officers wore their hair in buns, normal soldiers or low ranking officers wore flat hats.

    My Terracotta doll is a middle ranking officer. He wears armor down to his knees and has three decorative bows on his shoulders, while low ranking officers wear armor down to their waist. The other difference between the middle and low ranking officers is about their scarves. The doll I made wears his scarf outside his armor.

    The Terracotta Army was found in 1974 when a farmer dug a well. Archaeologists dug up the well site, and found thousands of terracotta soldiers. The soldiers were colorful when excavated but the color flaked off within an hour. Even modern technologies can only preserve part of their color. That’s why many warriors are still buried underground.
    My Terracotta doll is made by air-dry clay, painted with watercolors. He is wearing a color-dyed cloth, and his armor is made of plastic sequins. His color will not fade even when exposed to air and sunlight.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Essay - Fieldtrip to Ardenwood Farm by Aaron

Fieldtrip to Ardenwood Farm

-- Aaron
Patterson House

  Ardenwood Farm is educational, fun, and historical. We did fun projects and a terrific scavenger hunt. The Patterson House was big. It is the symbol of Ardenwood Farm. I enjoyed the tour of Patterson House.
Rope Makin'
  The most exciting part of the trip was the fun projects. They were called Popcorn Poppin', Wool Carding, and Rope Makin'. In Popcorn Poppin', you take kernels from a popcorn corn with a metal tool. In Wool Carding, we get taught how to card wool. In Rope Makin', people have to work together to make a rope.

Needle work
Snowshoe over 100 years old
  The Patterson House is the landmark of Ardenwood Farm, which 3 generations of Pattersons grew up and lived there. It has lots of rooms. Some of the rooms are the family room, smoking room, guest bedroom, and kid's room. The furniture and decorations are over 100 years old! But some of the items are newly added objects.
 I enjoyed searching for the woodpecker. It was easy to hear but hard to see. But, it was worth the search. That was the first woodpecker I've ever seen! The train ride was cool. I found all the rest of the scavenger hunt items like raccoons and skunks. There was also tons of plants zooming out the window.
Ohlone Indian Village Site
  I have been to Ardenwood Farm before. Every time I go there, I learn something new. Today, I learned the history of Fremont and how 1800 rich farmers thrived. If I had a chance, I'd love to go there again. Will you come with me?

Kid's room

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Essay - Fieldtrip to Parkmont Care Homes by Aaron

Fieldtrip to Parkmont Care Homes 

-- Aaron

  On Halloween, we went to Care Homes on Parkside Drive to serve the community and bring the happiness to the old people. Led by the Scrabble Queen, we walked there with all kinds of costumes. There was Batman, Iron Man, Spiderman, and I was an astronaut. Bags of candy were given to us on the field trip, too. I feel great to serve my community and make the old people happy on the holiday. we got delicious candy too!

Memories - Loose Tooth by Gordon

 Loose Tooth

-- Gordon


I am Gordon. I am seven minus one year old. My birthday is in 2 weeks. I am here to explain how my 6 teeth ran away.

It all started when I was in Kindergarten, in the middle of the Easter party, pizza punched my first tooth off. I got a blue treasure box from the school office to hold it. YAHOO!

My tooth brush rubbed off my second tooth. My finger bit off the third, forth, and the fifth.

Tonight, I saw my sixth tooth twist out of my mouth like a tornado. Now I look like a vampire!

My treasure box is filled with 6 fragile baby teeth!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Essay - Bedroom by Aaron


-- Aaron
  My bedroom has a lot of noises. Creeeeaaaakk. The creaking bunk bed makes a scary noise. Awoooo. The howling wind sounds more like wolves than wind. Shake, shake, shake. Swishing leaves sound like maracas in our bedroom. Snorrrrrre. My brother's, Gordon, snoring is so loud, it seems like a person is snoring in a microphone! Those are the noises you hear in our bedroom.

  Our bedroom is home to many awesome sights. The LED light gives strong light for us to see in the dark. Ziippp. The Hotwheel Wall Track serves as a good test for new Hotwheels. Flip, flip, flip. The bookshelf holds many interesting books to read. The 2 posters on our wall are very advertising and realistic. Our closet has full of our clothes. These are some of the coolest things I've ever seen.

  My bedroom is my most favorite place ever! The huge variety of toys in our bedroom makes me happy. My trophies on the window makes me proud. Aaaahhhhhh. The pillow is a comfy place for my head to rest on. My loneliness was cured when Gordon started sleeping with me. My sleepiness depends on how late I sleep, but I am always a bit sleepy when I go to bed. Do you feel the same when you go to bed?
  Excellent smells can be smelled in our bedroom. Fresh air is always as sweet as spring in our bedroom. The maple tree fragrance is just overwhelming. The breakfast smell makes me run down the stairs to see what's being cooked. The old books give an odor that stinks. Eeewwwwww. You won't like the dirty clothes the most. Can you find all the smells in the bedroom?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Memories - 2014 Trip to China

2014 Trip to China

We traveled to China during the summer of 2014. We recorded all our trips across China. Have a good time reading!

- Aaron and Gordon

Our journey on the map of China

The Great Wall
Terracotta Army

walkway in Forbidden City
Wu Gate

in Beijing

in Nanjing

Monday, August 25, 2014

Beijing - Beihai Park 北海公园

7/8/2014 Beijing, Beihai Park (北海)



Our final trip in China was to Beihai park. It is in the center of Beijing. It was built over 1000 years ago as an imperial garden from the Liao Dynasty.

lotus statues

The whole park is a huge man-made lake. As we walked, we passed a cool assortment of lotus statues because Beihai is famous for its lotus flowers.

white pagoda

We also climbed a rocky hill and saw the Temple of the White Pagoda on the top.  

man-made lake
After we climbed down, we went on a big boat. While we were on the boat, we learned another name for Beihai is North Sea. It also called North Sea because it is north to the Forbidden City and its lake seems like a sea.

After the boat ride, we saw Beihai park’s Nine Dragon Screen. This Nine Dragon Screen is constructed of tiles of seven colors. On both sides there are nine flying dragons playing with dragon pearls. This screen decorated on both sides, is the premier example of Chinese glazed tile art. It is one of the best preserved Nine Dragon Screens among the four (one in the Forbidden City, another in Datong Shanxi, the final one in the Ming Forbidden City, Nanjing). So, if you ever go to China, visit all these terrific places!


nine dragon screen

Have you ever seen a colorful 9 Dragon Screen more than a thousand years old? Well, I had. On our final trip, we went to Beihai Park. Peihai Park is famous for its colorful 9 Dragon Screen. It was totally different than the one we saw in Ming Forbidden City in Nanjing. Nanjing one has only stone carving. Beihai one is colorful. It is well preserved like a brand new statue. When my mom was little, people can touch it. Now people build a rail to protect it.  But we can still see the awesome 9 Dragon Screen. It is one of China’s beautiful ancient views.

Beijing - Ding Mausoleum 定陵

7/6/2014 Beijing, Ding Mausoleum (定陵), and Grandpa's Grave (姥爷)


In the early morning, we visited my grandpa’s grave. He passed away one month after I was born. His grave is close to the Ding Mausoleum.

When we were done visiting, we went to Ding Mausoleum, the underground mausoleum of the Emperor Wan Li (神宗万历皇帝). It is one of the thirteen imperial tombs of the Ming Dynasty (明十三陵). The tomb was excavated in 1958 and has been open to the public ever since as an underground museum.

The way to the Ming Tombs is a road known as the Sacred Way (神道). Its beginning is marked with a marble archway standing long and tall. This archway was carved in 1540. The road is lined with gigantic stone sculptures: 24 lions, camels, elephants, horses, mythical animals, 12 generals, civil mandarins, and courtiers.
stone carving
At the beginning, there is a creature that looks like a dragon in a tortoise shell.

back of the throne
emperor's throne
When we entered the underground museum, we saw the emperor’s throne. On the back of the throne, there were traditional Chinese stone carving of dragon. Further on, we saw the emperor and his two wives’ tomb. It was so deep down to the underground. The walls were very wet and cold. Ding Mausoleum has great history.
emperor's hat made out of gold wire
empress hat
emperor's throne with full of money
After we saw our grandpa’s grave, we went to Ding Mausoleum. At the beginning, there was a tortoise with a dragon head. After that we saw the diamond hall, which is the short cut entrance to the underground palace. When we entered the underground palace, the walls were wet.  There was an emperor and his 2 wifes from Ming Dynasty buried here. People gave lots of money to respect the emperor. Ding Mausoleum was fun.

exit of the tomb
entrance of the tomb

inside the tomb

Beijing - The Great Wall of China 长城

7/4/2014 Beijing, The Great Wall (长城)

people mountain people sea on the famous Great Wall

We went to the Great Wall in an early morning.

map shows walls built
in different dynasty
joined together
The Great Wall of China is a series of forts made of stone, brick, clay, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east to west line across the northern borders of China in order to protect the Chinese Empire against invasions. Several walls were being built as early as the 700 BC. They were later joined together and made bigger and stronger. The wall that was built between 220-206 B.C. is really  famous because it was built by the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang (秦始皇). There isn’t a lot left standing. Since then, the Great Wall has been rebuilt and strengthened. The majority of the existing wall is from the Ming Dynasty. The actual walls are 6,259 km (3,889 miles)  long. Convert the length into Chinese measurement is over 10 thousand li. So the full name of the Great Wall in Chinese is 10 thousand long (wan li chang cheng 万里长城). It is like an enormous dragon resting on the mountain top guarding China.

Shanghai Gateway
The other purposes for the Great Wall have been border controls, on duty for goods transported along the Silk Road (丝绸之路), encouragement of trade and the control of immigration.

watch tower
The defenses of the Great Wall were strengthened by the construction of watch towers (烽火台), troop barracks, garrison station, signaling capabilities through smoke or fire. Their way of the fire signal is that there are lots of watch towers that light up flames to warn the enemies are coming. When the soldiers on the closest tower see it,  they light their fire and so on.


There isn’t much of the wall open to the public now. We went up on a huge set of stairs in different sizes, some are big, some are small. When we got to the top, we saw a  dead end. After taking some pictures, we walked back. It was a super hot day. Dad took us to see three watch towers while mom stay under the shades and had a rest.

model of the Great Wall

underground mini model of terracotta soldiers
Our final destination was the museum. I saw weapons, musical instruments, potteries, and money from the Qin and Ming Dynasty. There were models of 9 gateways on display. The 9 gateways connect China to outsider. They are Shanhai Gateway (山海关), Huangya Gateway (黄崖关), Juyong Gateway (居庸关), Zijing Gateway (紫荆关), Pingxing Gateway (平型关), Niangzi Gateway (娘子关), Yanmen Gateway (雁门关), Jiayu Gateway (嘉峪关), and Yumen Gateway (玉门关). Below the models, there was a map of the Badaling part of the Great Wall. At last, I saw an underground mini model of the Terracotta soldiers that I could walk on.

The Great Wall is an excellent landmark for China. It is an UNESCO World Heritage Site. I felt happy after going there.

an enormous dragon resting
on mountain top
guarding China

On a hot day, we went to the Great Wall. Did you know that the Great Wall is so long? It can cover the entire Northern part of China! There are 8 gateways. Nobody could break in.

ten thousand li long wall

my brother and me
on the Great Wall
my brother and me
on the Great Wall

At the top, there were words. I think it was the soldiers who built the wall. There are also lots of watch towers. When enemies attack, soldiers on the wall set up big fire for everybody to know. It was such a wonderful day.

Beijing - Grandma's Birthday

7/3/2014 Beijing, Grandma’s birthday (姥姥生日)

grandma's birthday cake


Grandma was happy on her birthday.  It was grandma’s 74th one. We first went to Da Ya Li restaurant and ate dinner. Then we returned and had dessert, which was her birthday cake. We lit up the candles and sang the Happy Birthday song. Grandma blew out the flames on the candles before  we took turns wearing the birthday hat. We ate up the delicious cake. Grandma’s birthday was excellent.

On a rainy day, it was our grandma’s birthday. Everybody decided to buy a cake for her. We all agree to have a healthy cake. On the cake was fruits. When we ate it, it was delicious. It even had whipped cream on it.  There were corn bread under the whipped cream. Everybody took a turn to wear the birthday crown. When the light was closed, the candle lit the cake up. It was beautiful. We sang Chinese birthday song. It was such a fun day for a birthday.

SiChuan - Tibetan Village, Qiang Village 藏家 (东藏),羌族

7/1/2014 Sichuan, Tibetan Village (藏家), Qiang Village (羌寨)

our pretty Qiang Village tour guide in traditional Qiang cloth

Tibetan village

While we were coming back to Chengdu, we stopped at East Tibetan  Village. A guide welcomed us. She invited us to visit her house. It was a traditional Tibetan style house. We had hot tea over there.  While we had tea, we learned that the wall paintings were handmade by the guide’s family. We also learned that it is a tradition, before the East Tibetan people get married, the groom needs to hand make a beautiful silver belt for his bride. If the bride decides its not pretty, the groom had to wait another year and redo the belt.

Qiang way of characters
When we finish touring the  house, we went to the ancient Qiang Village. We climbed lots of stairs to the top of the village. On the rail there were image of written symbols, the Qiang way of characters. A fact is that the Qiang people don’t have any texts so they use drawings instead.

leader of Qiang village in a meeting

The Qiang City Wall was very high. The village was well defended. We saw the leader of Qiang Village (羌寨吐司) in a meeting. After that, we saw a fake person and a real blacksmith.

Qiang flute
Qiang sewing
There were some decorations, a bank, sewing room, bedroom, and a stage. On the stage, a person performed with a Qiang Flute. We even got on a second floor patio. It had a great view of the whole Qiang Village.

Later, we saw a medicinal plant called maca being sold. It is very rare because it needs specific heights and temperature in order to thrive. East Tibet Village and Qiang Village are fun to see.

flower dance at Tibetan village
On the way back to Chengdu, we went to visit East Tibetan village.  The people gave us a beautiful flower dance to welcome us. They carried and swung the flower vases and danced in a circle. Our guide took us around her house. We drank the special Horse Tea (马茶). It tasted good. My brother and I finished 8 cups.

Qiang village
a big castle
After that, another guide took us to visit Qiang village. We climbed up the high stairs to the top and saw a big castle.  Our guide showed us the king of the castle. The king and his soldiers sang a welcome song. We came to a stage where a pretty girl played a double pipe instrument, Qiang Flute. It is a very rare technique. If they didn’t find a right person to play, Qiang Flute technique would become extinct. There were some wine stuff that could make our body warm. But we didn’t dare to drink it. It was great to learn different cultures.